HRS Showcases Remelting System at Pack Expo

HRS Heat Exchangers, Stand N-20002, Pack Expo Las Vegas 2021
HRS Heat Exchangers is delighted to be able to confirm its attendance at Pack Expo event in Las Vegas, Nevada in September 2021. Among the products that HRS will showcase is its new I Series for de-packing, crushing, and melting (remelting) frozen fruit juice for the manufacture of high quality not-from-concentrate (NFC) products.
The HRS I Series consists of two elements, the IC Series which de-packs and crushes frozen products from lined 200-litre drums, and the IM series which melts the frozen product.
The IC Series features a roller conveyor which feeds individual drums into a tipper that empties them into the crusher. Here, a specially designed spiked roller crushes the solid ice into an icy slush, which is then transferred to the IM Series re-melting device.
Based on the tubular heat exchanger technology for which HRS is renowned, the IM Series raises the temperature of the juice from frozen to around 4°C (39°F) in 90 seconds. From here, the cold liquid juice can be pumped to a bespoke holding tank, or straight into the next process step.
The I Series can handle up to 60 drums (3,170 gallons) of frozen product per hour, also be combined with HRS’s existing range of fruit juice processing machinery for pasteurisation or filling.
More information on the HRS I Series will be available at Stand N-20002 at Pack Expo in Las Vegas from 27 to 29 September 2021.