News Category: Environmental
Heat Regeneration Should be Key Consideration

Many industrial processes require energy, but only a portion of that energy input is used for each operation such as pasteurization or evaporation. Unused energy is wasted, but by using heat exchangers, it is possible …
Read MoreWatch the Footage from TVNZ Segment on Food to Fuel

With tons of food waste from households alone, Ecogas planned to turn the waste into useful products and have just opened their first New Zealand plant in Reparoa, taking unwanted food and turning it into …
Read MoreReciprocating Action Solves Tough Heat Exchange Challenges

Scraped surface heat exchangers (SSHEs) have been used for difficult heat transfer applications involving viscous fluids or where fouling is an issue, such as evaporation processes. The most common type, such as the HRS R …
Read MoreThe Advantages of External Digester Heating

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established technique for the production of renewable energy (biogas) and the management of organic wastes such as sewage sludge, manures and crop wastes. However, many digester designs still incorporate heating …
Read MoreUpgrading AD Plants to Improve Performance

There are more than 650 operational anaerobic digestion (AD) plants in the UK, with a further 270 in development¹. However, a number of these plants have failed to perform in line with original predictions, leaving …
Read MoreEBA Highlights the Importance of Digestate

HRS Heat Exchangers has welcomed the recent publication of two recent papers by the European Biogas Association (EBA) which highlight the importance of digestate in the overall sustainability profile of anaerobic digestion and biogas energy. …
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