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News Category: Industrial

Remote Commissioning will Continue after Covid

February 8, 2022 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

The Covid-19 pandemic has had huge effects on economies around the world. Businesses have adapted to these challenges in numerous ways, changing working procedures, stockpiling goods and working remotely where possible. Restrictions on global travel …

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The Future Potential of Process Control Systems

October 19, 2021 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Thanks to developments like Industry 4.0, digitisation, and the cloud, together with improvements in process control and communication technology, it is easier than ever to offer remote assistance and monitoring. The restrictions on travel and …

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HRS Offers Remote Equipment Monitoring

April 13, 2021 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by
HRS Remote Installation Control

The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the benefits of working remotely utilising new and existing technologies to monitor and manage operations from a distance, whether a few meters away on the factory floor, or on the …

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Increase the pressure with annular space heat exchangers

January 12, 2021 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Annular space heat exchangers, such as the HRS AS Series, work by passing the product through the gap between the inner and outer tubes (the annular space), which makes them suitable for thick, highly viscous …

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Introducing AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design)

November 4, 2020 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design) is a powerful design tool for the calculation of one of the most used items of process equipment: shell and tube and heat exchangers (STHE’s). STHE’s are used in widespread process …

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Trial units facilitate correct evaporator choice

October 20, 2020 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Evaporation is a widely used industrial process. From the concentration of food products, to waste treatment and sludge management, evaporators are employed for a number of processes across many different industries. Accordingly, a number of …

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