Industrial | Page 3 of 5 | HRS Heat Exchangers

News Category: Industrial

Why use corrugated tubes in heat exchangers?

April 25, 2019 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

There are a variety of tubular heat exchangers on the market, but for many applications corrugated tubes continue to be preferred over smooth ones. Matt Hale, International Sales & Marketing Director of HRS Heat Exchangers, …

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Versatile pump range offers solutions for food industry

November 14, 2018 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Pumps are an essential part of many food processing lines: not just for liquids, but also viscous materials such as spreads and dips, and materials containing solids such as fruit and vegetable mixes. Using the …

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Unique R Series scraped surface heat exchanger solves viscous product challenges

June 19, 2018 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Different materials need different types of heat exchanger. For the simplest fluids such as water and milk, plate heat exchangers are often sufficient, but as products become more challenging (for example more viscous, or containing …

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HRS Unicus Series: gentle processing of high fouling products

April 24, 2018 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Heat exchangers are widely used across a range of industries, including food manufacturing, chemical processing, water treatment and renewable energy production. As well as basic heating and cooling, they are used for a wide range …

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HRS Unicus Series: gentle processing of high fouling products


Heat exchangers are widely used across a range of industries, including food manufacturing, chemical processing, water treatment and renewable energy production. As well as basic heating and cooling, they are used for a wide range …

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How To… Specify a Heat Exchanger

September 22, 2017 | Categories: Environmental - Food - Industrial - Opinion Piece - Pharmaceutical | by

Heat exchangers are a well established tool for the thermal processing of materials. They are used for cooking, pasteurisation and sterilisation, as well as for heating or cooling a range of products. When it comes …

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