News | Page 8 of 36 | HRS Heat Exchangers


The Importance of Product Identity in Heat Exchanger Specification – PART 1

April 5, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

When it comes to choosing the right heat exchanger, the biggest factor is the nature of the materials being processed and the client’s requirements for the finished product – something that we at HRS refer …

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Reducing DOWNTIME with heat exchangers

March 22, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

The concept of Lean production, as developed by Japanese motor manufacturers such as Toyota, is now well established across a range of industries. According to the theory of lean manufacturing, anything which does not increase …

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Exploring the Growth of Plant-based Milk

March 8, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

Plant-based milk market now accounts for around 10% of the total milk market, and the growing number of consumers of plant-based milks have more choice than ever before. There are many reasons for the popularity …

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HRS comments on Bioenergy Policy Statement

February 22, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

HRS welcomes the recent publication of the Biomass Policy Statement¹ by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and hope that the forthcoming Biomass Strategy which is planned for 2022 will expand further on …

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Remote Commissioning will Continue after Covid

February 8, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

The Covid-19 pandemic has had huge effects on economies around the world. Businesses have adapted to these challenges in numerous ways, changing working procedures, stockpiling goods and working remotely where possible. Restrictions on global travel …

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Canada Ready to Unleash Power of Biogas

January 25, 2022 | Categories: Food - Opinion Piece | by

The news that Canada saw a 50% increase in operational biogas capacity over the last decade is great news for both the economy and the environment, as is the strong outlook for future development contained …

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